Kathleen A. Mooney, PhD

kathleen a mooney, phd
Photo copyright Kathleen A. Mooney, PhD

CBT certification is a credential that demonstrates a mental health professional’s competence and expertise in the practice of cognitive and behavioral therapy. Certification requires completion of specialized training and an examination that evaluates knowledge and skills in CBT. [from https://www.academyofcbt.org/certification]

ABCT Fellow status is awarded to full members who are recognized by a group of their peers for distinguished, outstanding, and sustained accomplishments that are above and beyond the expectations of their existing professional role. [from https://www.abct.org/membership/fellow-members/]

  • Life Status Member, American Psychological Association (APA)
  • Clinical specialties include anxiety, health worries, work pressures, relationship issues, stress, lesbian & gay issues, panic attacks, and problem-solving
  • Worked in an emergency inpatient psychiatric ward, outpatient community clinic, physical medicine & rehabilitation ward, family medicine setting, and at the Center for Cognitive Therapy (Newport Beach / Huntington Beach, California)
  • Conducted cognitive therapy workshops for mental health professionals in Canada, England, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Scotland, Sweden, The Netherlands and the United States on anxiety, personality disorders, complex issues, relationship issues, therapist beliefs, creativity and resilience
  • Co-produces cognitive therapy audio and video training materials for mental health professionals
  • Designs and manages two web sites, one exclusively for mental health professionals (www.Padesky.com) and one for the general public (www.MindOverMood.com)
  • B.A. Case Western Reserve University, Flora Stone Mather College, 1968; M.A. California School of Professional Psychology, 1984; Ph.D. California School of Professional Psychology, 1988.

Google Scholar Profile

Dr Mooney’s Google Scholar Profile provides a comprehensive listing of her publications and citations along with brief descriptions.


Web, PowerPoint, YouTube, Visual & Audio Media

  • 2020-current: Design, develop, maintain Digital Padesky store. A web store exclusively for Mental Health Professionals.
  • 2019-current: Design & develop Instagram account for Popup CBT
  • 2010-current: Design & develop YouTube videos featuring CBT.
  • 2010-current: Design Twitter account for padesky.com
  • 2007-current: Redesign & maintenance of www.LawrenceCHS.com. A nonprofit 501(c)(3) historical society in Western Pennsylvania.
  • 2007-2019: Designer & developer of www.Store.Padesky.com. A web store exclusively for Mental Health Professionals.
  • 1999-current: Designer & developer of www.MindOverMood.com. A website for the Public.
  • 1998-current: Designer & developer of www.padesky.com. A website exclusively for Mental Health Professionals.
  • 1989-current: Designer & developer of PowerPoint CBT presentations (originally developed in Microsoft Publisher).
  • 1989-current: Designer & developer of Cognitive Therapy Training on Disc™. Audio and Video CBT training exclusively for mental health professionals.
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